Mail Call

Sam's letters to her loved ones from Basic Training and AIT

27 February 2007

Update --Feb. 27

Samantha joined most of her unit in "phasing" on Friday, Feb. 23. That means somewhat more freedom in that they are able, once dismissed after class on Friday each week, to: (1) wear civilian clothes, (2) leave the base during the day. The worst thing at this point for Sam is that she cannot go ANYWHERE outside the barracks without a "battle buddy." So if she wants to go to the library, doctor, bar, etc., she must first find someone else willing to walk there as well.

She is still hopeful that she will be able to get leave for her sister's wedding in April. But there is no way of knowing what the decision of the Commander will be. She does continue to make the highest grade in class on her tests (although she shares the honor with others at times). It truly galls her that she doesn't make a perfect grade on every test.

Samantha is also looking forward to softball season.

18 February 2007

Weekly Update - Feb. 18

This week Sam actually got to spend time in class studying psychological issues. She is in class about 8 hrs. a day which works out to the same as a college student taking about 40 hrs. a semester ... except her semester lasts 19 weeks instead of 16 weeks. They expect 25% of the students in the class to fail.

This weekend was a 4 day holiday for instructors. So what did the students do ... they spent 8 hrs. a day scraping all the old wax off the floors in order to put a new layer of wax on. She texted me that she was doing this because she is "an American Soldier. Hooah!"

In about two weeks she will be eligible to "phase" to phase 5 which will give her the opportunity to leave the base on weekends (although not overnight). I'm looking forward to finding a way to take advantage of that).

11 February 2007

Update on Army Goddess

Since she has more access to her phone and too many other things going on, the Army Goddess doesn't write as much as at basic training. So I will update based on phone calls.

Her drill sergeants made her 4th platoon leader from the beginning. This week they also nominated her for "soldier of the month" for the company. She will go before a board sometime toward the end of the month to determine who the winner will be. Want to take bets on that?

This past week she had her first tests: both PT (physical) and a written test. She improved her PT score from basic by cutting a minute from her two mile run and made the highest grade in the class on the written test (100%). Shall we summarize by saying she is adjusting OK?

When I last talked to her (tonight) she was using Magic Eraser to remove scruff marks on the wall in her room. No, I'm sure she's not obsessive (OK, I gagged a little when I typed that).

She still loves to have mail that she can read on her own time. So please keep writing.

04 February 2007

Army Goddess AIT Update

Army Goddess has been at AIT for a week now. She is in a room with 1 roommate and has cell phone access almost every night. The first week of classes was spent primarily on medical stuff (taking blood pressures, IV sticks, general first aid). She was also proud that she was chosen to make the women's basketball team in her unit (I'm sure height had a little to do with that).

A major change from Basic Training (besides the two person rooms) is that on her free time she is able (with a "battle buddy") to go anywhere on the base. So she has access to the PX, recreation facilities, and going to meals without marching in formation (except at breakfast).

Yesterday (Feb. 3), they spent the afternoon at the Equestrian Center at a soldier appreciation day put on by a civilian group. Bands played for them; children asked for their autographs; they were treated to "chuckwagon" style food; rode horses and, generally, just had a great time. Practically every adult and child there shook hands with each soldier and told them how much they appreciated what they were doing for the country. That just added to Sam's pride at being a soldier.