Mail Call

Sam's letters to her loved ones from Basic Training and AIT

31 October 2006

Open Letter

Dear Sam -

One more day and you're off to Basic. After that, to who-knows-where. I probably speak for a lot of people when I tell you how grateful I am for the past couple of years of being able to be close with you again. I only knew something was missing in my life - I had no idea it was you, or that you had really been there all along. Thank you for being one of my very best friends, and know that no matter how far apart we are I'm going to be right there with you.

The Army will change you. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I expect to not quite recognize you when they're done with you. But don't let them change you too much. Don't let them take away your sense of humor and your sense of play. Don't let them touch your perfect heart.

I love you. I will miss you horribly. And above all, I am so very proud of you.


30 October 2006
