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Sam's letters to her loved ones from Basic Training and AIT

18 June 2007


Well, Sammie baby graduates tomorrow from the program in San Antonio. I know she's going to miss being the top of her class, but we're all going to be happy to have her home for a couple weeks.

Then, it's off to GERMANY. No kiddin', folks. She has to report to duty on July 13 ... one week before our 20 year high school reunion in Alabama. :( We'll miss her at the reunion, but you know I'll be talkin' about how frickin' awesome she is the entire time!

I know that she and Don were hoping to have a European assignment, but I have to admit I was sad when I found out they'd be so far away. I was quickly set straight by another friend who pointed out to me that Germany's a nice place to be stationed. So I'm happy for Sam to be going somewhere cool. I just want her to be safe FUR-EVER!


Blogger Samantha Alice said...

But you know that safety is illusory, baby.

22 June, 2007 10:01  
Blogger BTExpress said...

Germany? Great! I know several people that were stationed there and they enjoyed it. I hope you guys do to.

27 June, 2007 18:16  
Blogger Suthnuh said...

Germany is one of the best foreign postings possible!

The old US Army hospital in Frankfurt was being converted into the new US Consulate when I was there last. It was so cool to finally go back and see where I was born and walk through the place. I was helping with the new network design at the time before moving onto another contract.

I hope you enjoy it!!! Best damn beer in the world over there also! :-)

08 July, 2007 03:27  

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