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Sam's letters to her loved ones from Basic Training and AIT

27 January 2007

Army Goddess (Her edit) Kicks Ass -- the Details

I will add details to the news already broken by bisquit. Sam was voted by the platoons and a panel of drill sergeants as the best soldier in the company (Company C -- approximately 240 soldiers). She had to be elected by the platoons (4 in Company C) and then face a panel of Drill sergeants. One of the Drill sergeants -- not one of hers -- was overheard to remark that they asked her about the levels of protection possessed by a soldier. He said that she gave the standard answer (from the "Smart" book), added the information supplied on the sign outside the drill, and, finally, that she asked if they would like her to elaborate on each level. They said, "No, that's not necessary" and then just shook their heads.

So, out of approximately 720 soldiers and additional drill sergeants, she was among a small group to be honored and to meet in the awards tent with the "brass". That included the post commander, a "general", the post command sergeant major, the brigade commander, and the battalion commander. Each of them gave her a coveted "coin of excellence" and talk to her and us (her family). The drill sergeants were noticeably nervous at being in the presence of a general but Isaac gave him a hug. Some are not at all intimidated.

The Post Sergeant Major spent about 10 minutes talking to her about the importance of her job as a Mental Health Specialist. When she told her own drill sergeant about it later, he was impressed. He said the the Sergeant Major is a legend going back to his service in Delta Force during the Iranian hostage crisis and in every conflict since then.

I will add that the Battalion Commander said that he remembered me from the Holiday leave. He wanted to know where my overalls were. I guess I did make some impression.

I will add pictures when my computer allows. But it was a great graduation. Now she is in San Antonio at Ft. Sam Houston.


Blogger BTExpress said...

HOLY CRAP! That's amazing! You must be so proud of her, I know I am.

29 January, 2007 19:01  
Blogger KellyKline said...

Man, I love that girl.

And Isaac never ceases to make me laugh, although I'm never surprised by his actions.

"What color is the sky in YOUR world?"

29 January, 2007 22:40  

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